Who am I?

How’s it goin?

My name’s Riley.

I used to be very socially anxious as a teenager, and struggled with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD). I was angry at my brain because it didn’t work normally like everyone else’s seemed to. So in 2021, possibly some time in July on a Thursday, I dropped my backpack on the bedroom floor, looked myself in the mirror and said “Riley, I f*cking hate you”…

Since then, I’ve learnt an incomprehensible amount about the mind through rigorous self-study, absurd life experiences and by coaching others.

Mindset Coaching specifically. After closing down an ecommerce business which had actually increased my income by over 1000% in one week, I decided I wanted to attract a community of people together who focused on long-term solutions to social anxiety, overthinking, OCD, a lack of connection and a lack of mental freedom.

A focus on joy, social comfort, a feeling of pride when you look in the mirror, freedom to say and do as we please without fearful hesitation, curiosity and connection.

Throughout this journey, people have approached me for insight, perspective and coaching. This, along with the experience I’ve gained from training and coaching 100+ Service Delivery Officers at an Australian government agency, has increased demand for my Coaching and made me better at it.

I’ve seen what frees the mind of doubt and fear and there are Universal Laws I’ve become aware of that keep my stress levels low and my excitement for life high as f*ck.

I’ve internalised beliefs that make intrusive thoughts no stronger than pebbles being tossed against a reinforced, soundproof window.

What has gotten me here is still in my memory or tracked. I’ve reflected upon my experiences and I will continue to transition people to happiness in a shorter timeframe than the years it took me.

Right now, I am becoming the man I value - a man who’s honest, accountable, calm, adaptable, reliable, strong, creative and joyful

If we share the same values, join me.


P.S. Contact me here if needed.