How to Get Good Grades. (Day 12)




How to Get Good Grades.

  • Thumbnail: You doing zyzz pose with lightning behind you.


1) Intro

2) Ultimate study method.

3) Active recall

4) Flashcards

5) Study a frequent part of your life.

6) Become a New Person in 30 Days.

Hello, World!

Good Morning!

Your grades are probably not what you want them to be.

Let’s fix that.

Luckily, the most fun study techniques are also the most effective for retaining information and making it easy to revise frequently.

Let’s look that them.

When something isn’t fun, it’s hard to get motivated to do it.

Of course, purpose fixes this a lot, but you should make things as easy for you as possible.

Especially… when the most fun study techniques, are also the most effective for learning.

This is just my opinion, but also, they allow variation.

Hello, World!

First, my ultimate study method.

In order to truly do well in college, you must have more REASON to do well than all of those around you.

A greater sense of purpose.

We discovered our purpose in Day 1 of this 30 day challenge, you’re watching Day 12 right now.

2nd link in description.

Also, tie your studies to the identity that you’re trying to build, using systems.

You’re the kind of individual who actually learns and retains the things that they diligently study, while everyone else is simply memorising and doesn’t care that much.

You’re the kind of person who consciously take steps to identify who they want to be, and who they DON’T want to be, then decides what they want to do in their job and their studies, and then works with PURPOSE.

You understand the power of ill health to fuck up a person’s ability to learn information and to work optimally, and so you work to ensure that your body and your mind’s in peak condition.

Give me 30 seconds.

The 1st, and the 2nd part of The Peaky Process; Purpose and Identity.

Purpose; I have a strong reason for studying.

Identity; The associative habits that I use involve studying, because studying’s essential to grow my online presence and impact, which is essential to fulfil my future ambitions, which can only be achieved by a certain kind of individual.

So I focus on demonstrating that I’m a disciplined, hard-working, tenacious individual who studies in the most effective ways.

Make sense?

Now let’s look at the most effective ways.

Hello, World!

Active Recall.

Active recall is the core strategy behind the 3 main ways to study that we’ll look at:

3 ways being making flashcards, teaching flashcards, and doing active recall with flashcards.

Active recall is using your brain to remember facts, concepts, formulas or whatever, and reciting them.

First, teaching:

Teach to inanimate objects.

Teach to family.

Teach to study peers and explain things to old people and to young people theoretically.

Or, it looks like you using your knowledge on something to explain it in a simple-to-understand, non-textbook way.

Below are some examples of how to perform active recall:

  • Teach content to inanimate objects, talk to people or explain complex topics to young people with little knowledge on the content.

    • Keep answering their “why?” questions until you can’t any longer. Now you know what you need to go ahead and learn. If you spoke to inanimate objects, or if you’re like I was in the HSC, talking to trees, just brainstorm EVERYTHING that someone could possibly ask “why?” to.

    • Looking at a prompt or a question on the front of a flashcard, and then answering or elaborating on it as deeply as you can to another person, or literally any inanimate object, like a stuffed toy.

  • Create mind-maps for certain elements of topics. Everything that you come up with, you must obviously link to a particular thing that already exists on your mind-map.

Hello, World!

Learn with flashcards.

Action steps:

Create digital flashcards on a google doc like this (show the image).

Then print them out.

Top left square would be front, bottom right would be back, it’s how it prints out.

Teach these to family, friends and objects like I said before

Like trees.

Either use an app like RemNote, create digital flashcards on Anki, or just do what I did in my final exams and put your flashcards in tables on a Google Doc.

Here’s an example of flashcards in a Google Doc.

As you can see, the top left box, which is the front of our flashcard, should have its answer be on the opposite side, down on the next Doc page.

This is because of the way that the sheets print.

I printed these out and walked around with them; literally around the streets for over an hour at a time.

You can just use RemNote or Anki though to make digital flashcards.

Physical cards just give you more creative options.

Like simplifying your content ( by breaking down the elements, and obviously,you only put the important stuff on each flashcard), and in regards to TEACHING.

Teach to your family, to stuffed toys, to TREES.

You learn to simplify things that you’re learning, or you come to figure out what stuff you don’t fully understand, so that you can go deeper.

Hello, World!

Make study a frequent part of your life.

Break down your day.

How long do you sleep for?

How much time does it take you to cook and eat food each day?

How long does it take you to work out?

How long do you usually work at your job? Maybe this is PART of your studies, I don’t know.

The remaining time is how much time you have to study.

Make an Associative Habits to study:

Mine in the morning is that I associate opening the blinds with placing my bottle on the desk, with starting a pomodoro timer, with working for 20 mins, with starting a 5 minute timer to take a break.

Only with repetition, will you actually get shit done.

Habits are built with frequency, not consistency.

For me, that’s 13 hours if I don’t have work, and probably 4 hours if I were to work an 8-hour shift, and need to move between transport. I can do laptop work via public transport.

Look at where you’d study for these hours. At a desk? On a train?

Create Associative Habits to get you to start.

You’ll first study for 25 mins at a time.

Here’s an Associative Habit that you could use on a train to and from work:

  • Sit down and then sit your bag down, wedged between your legs/feet.

  • Associate this with pulling out your laptop and setting it up on your lap.

  • Associate this with clapping twice and starting a pomodoro timer for 25 mins. This will increase with time, or do more now if you think that you can focus for that long. Regardless, a train ride might not even take 25 mins.

  • Work.

  • As you get off of the train, say this Reconditioning Sentence: “I’m so glad that I understand how my work contributes to me building a character with a strong work-ethic, with discipline and with the desire to provide value to the world/to learn more each day. Unfortunately, many people aren’t willing to work outside of their regular hours like I do, and they see no value in their work for the world, or even for their own growth. How unfortunate. Time to make even more progress when I get home”.

Basically, you’d then make another Habit for when you’re at home.

The more frequently you can go through with the Associative Habits that you create, the quicker that they’ll become really habitual and you’ll get more done.

Frequency, not time.

That’s why you likely are somewhat behind in life, relative to what’s possible for you.

Because if you look at things as taking time, then you’re not doing things as frequently as you could be, which means that there’s growth not being experienced, things not being learned and habits not being instilled.

Not good, we’re fixing that in this 30 days.

Hello, World!

That’s it!

I kind of combined the “3 ways” to study flashcards, being making them, teaching them to people but also just doing whatever kind of active recall you want with them.

Watch yesterday’s video (card)

And yeh remember the whole thing about having more purpose than those around you.

More reason to work hard.

Download the 10 Q’s to Find Your Purpose.

Or join the Peaky Pines Email Community, where you can talk to others who also study and are ambitious.

Day 12 completed.

I dare you… to become a new person in 30 days.

Join the Peaky Pines Email Community.

I dare you… to Become a New Person in 30 Days.


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